April Lockhart

April Lockhart was born on July 4, 1995. When she was in the seventh grade, she started playing guitar and piano lessons, sparking her love for songwriting. at the age of 12, April wrote her first song Different. As a teenager, April spent a lot of time to writing music ideas and practicing music. After that, she started taking excursions to write with her father in NY and LA. She also started to write about various other topics of concern for some of her classmates who struggle with issues such as peer pressure disabilities and even teenager suicide, as in the song"Take" my Hand. Lockhart has her own following and works as a lifestyle blogger at the renowned Ilia Pure Beauty brand. Her birth was without a left hand, and it's part of who she's become, but it's far from the entirety of her story. Lockhart isn't shy about mentioning her disability in her Instagram profile but she doesn't concentrate on the account. The point is? We are all more than the physical person we are. Our identities are intricate and include a myriad of dimensions. I don't want that to define me I don't want to be an influencer with a disability where that's all I talk about because there are so numerous other aspects of me Lockhart states in video form from her house in Nashville. This doesn't have any effect on my normal life. I just do things normally, and I've discovered the best way for me to adapt the things. Since it's part of me personally I think it's worth talking about. Lockhart's journey to acceptance of herself is a journey that's going to last many years, yet she is an inspiration with regard to this. Lockhart has admitted that she's experienced periods when she was uncomfortable sporting certain clothes that exposed her arms. Now, she dresses in whatever she wants. And she posts pictures on social media. It's all a process is the key thing I don't know that you ever arrive with self-love, she claims. It's a fact that I see with every person, whatever their vulnerability is. Your people with, who know you and see right into your heart are the ones that remind you of why it's important.

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